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标题: 纽约市特殊高中入学历年考题和详解 [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2018-1-21 11:34
标题: 纽约市特殊高中入学历年考题和详解

2017年考题1和详解: 2017_2018 Exam 1 with Explanation.pdf (1.98 MB, 下载次数: 3386)
2017年考题2和详解: 2017_2018 Exam 2 with Explanation.pdf (1.25 MB, 下载次数: 1620)
2017年完整Handbook(包含考题和详解): 2017_2018 Handbook.pdf (7.51 MB, 下载次数: 1475)
2016年完整Handbook(包含考题和详解): 2016_2017 Handbook.pdf (9.6 MB, 下载次数: 1286)
2015年完整Handbook(包含考题和详解): 2015_2016-SHSAT_English.pdf (12.24 MB, 下载次数: 1376)
2014年完整Handbook(包含考题和详解): 2014_2015-SHSAT_English.pdf (12.51 MB, 下载次数: 1177)
2013年完整Handbook(包含考题和详解): 2013_2014 Handbook.pdf (7.99 MB, 下载次数: 1187)
2012年完整Handbook(包含考题和详解): 2012_2013 Handbook.pdf (6.03 MB, 下载次数: 1152)
2011年完整Handbook(包含考题和详解): 2011_2012 Handbook.pdf (2.28 MB, 下载次数: 1158)
2010年完整Handbook(包含考题和详解): 2010_2011 Handbook.pdf (3.39 MB, 下载次数: 1279)

SHSAT SCORINGSHSAT scores are based on the number of correct answersmarked on scored items.1 There is no penalty for wronganswers. If you are not sure of an answer, you should markyour best guess. You should not spend too much time on anyone question. Answer each question as best you can or skip itand keep going. If you have time at the end of the test, youmay go back.Each answer sheet is scanned and scored electronically, andthe number of correct answers on scored items, called a rawscore, is determined for each test taker. Because there are1 A small number of items will be pre-designated for field testing and will notcount towards a student's score.several forms of the SHSAT, raw scores from different testforms cannot be compared directly. The test forms weredeveloped to be as similar as possible, but they are notidentical.To make valid score comparisons, a raw score must beconverted into another type of score that takes into accountthe differences between test forms. In a process calledcalibration, ELA and mathematics raw scores are convertedinto scaled scores. The raw scores and scaled scores are notproportional. In the middle of the range of scores, an increaseof one raw score point may correspond to an increase of threeor four scaled score points. At the top or bottom of the rangeof scores, an increase of one raw score point may correspondto 10-20 scaled score points. The reason for this difference isthat the scaled scores have been adjusted to fit the normalcurve. Scaled scores are on a scale that is common to all testforms, making it possible to compare these scores directly.The composite score is the sum of the ELA and mathematicsscaled scores. The composite score is used to determineadmission to a Specialized High School.

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