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General Questions about ACT









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2017-12-23 19:16:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
General Questions                 

Can I get a copy of the test questions and answer key?                                          
Yes; through our Test Information Release (TIR) service, but only if you test at a national test center on selected national test dates in December, April and June.
Should I test again?                                          
Many students test twice, once as a junior and again as a senior. You should definitely consider retesting if you had any problems during testing, such as misunderstanding the directions, or feeling ill.
You may also want to consider retesting if you don't believe that your scores accurately represent your abilities, especially if you see a discrepancy between your ACT scores and your high school grades, or if you have subsequently completed coursework in the areas covered by the ACT.
If you test more than once, you determine which set of scores are sent to colleges or scholarship programs. ACT reports scores from only one test date per report.
How will you do on a retest?
Research shows that of students from the 2015 graduating class who took the ACT more than once:
  • 57% increased their Composite score on the retest
  • 21% had no change in their Composite score on the retest
  • 22% decreased their Composite score on the retest
For students with an initial ACT Composite score between 13 and 29, the typical ACT Composite score from the second testing is about 1 point higher (see Table below).
  • The lower your initial ACT Composite score, the more likely your second score will be higher than the first score.
  • The higher your initial ACT Composite score, the more likely your second score will be the same as or lower than the first score.
Example for how to read the table below:
For students who received an ACT Composite score of 20 the first time they tested:
  • the typical ACT Composite score from the second testing was 21;
  • the middle 50% of students with an initial score of 20 received an ACT Composite score of 20, 21, or 22 the second time they took the test;
  • 56% of students increased their scores, 21% scored the same, and 23% saw their scores decrease.
Summary Information for Retesting Graduates By Initial ACT Composite Score
ACT Composite Score from second testing
Percentage of students whose scores changed or remained the same from first to second testing*
ACT Composite Score from first testing
Typical Score
Range for middle 50% of students
the same

34 to 35
33 to 35
32 to 34
31 to 33
30 to 33
30 to 32
29 to 31
28 to 30
27 to 29
26 to 28
25 to 27
24 to 26
23 to 25
22 to 24
21 to 23
20 to 22
19 to 21
18 to 20
17 to 19
16 to 18
15 to 17
14 to 16
13 to 15
13 to 15
12 to 14

* Percentages may not sum to 100 due to rounding
** Results for these ACT Composite scores are based on a relatively small number of students with these scores.
Table based on: over 868,000 students from the graduating class of 2015 (45%) who took the ACT two or more times. The first two sets of scores for these students were used in the completion of this analysis.
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                                                        What accommodations are available for students with disabilities?                                          
ACT is committed to serving students with documented disabilities by providing reasonable accommodations appropriate to the student's diagnosis and needs. For detailed information, see Accommodations.
ACT has established policies regarding documentation of an applicant's disability and the process for requesting test accommodations. For details, see ACT Policy for Documentation (PDF).
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                                                        What is an ACT web account and why do I need one?                                          
An ACT web account not only allows you to register online, but also lets you access a variety of ACT services no matter how you register. For example, you will need an ACT web account to view your scores and score report, and it's the fastest way to make changes to your registration.
We encourage all students who are at least 13 years old to create a free ACT web account. (Note: If you are younger than 13, your parent or guardian cannot create an ACT Web account for you.) You will be required to provide identifying information, including an email address, in order to create your account. Once you do, you will be able to do all of the following 24/7 (excluding any maintenance windows or unexpected outages), anywhere you have Internet access.
  • Register to take the ACT on a national or international test date

    • Choose your preferred test option and test date
    • Decide where to have ACT report your scores
    • Know immediately whether your preferred test center has space for you to test
    • Upload a photo for identification purposes
    • Print your admission ticket
    • Receive email updates about your registration from ACT
  • Make changes to your registration

    • Add or remove the writing test
    • Add, change, or cancel score reports by 12PM central time Thursday immediately following the regularly scheduled Saturday test date.
  • Request standby testing
  • View your scores and score report

    • If you test on a national or international test date, your multiple-choice scores will be delivered through your ACT web account as soon as they are ready, normally beginning about 2 weeks after the test date. If you take the ACT with writing, your writing scores will be added as soon as they are available, normally about 2 weeks after your multiple-choice scores.
    • If you tested through State and District, Special, Arranged, or DANTES Testing, you will be able to view your scores and score report if you create a student Web account using the ACT ID from your score report, which is mailed to you.
  • Update your student profile and view your account history
  • Order test preparation materials
All services ordered online must be paid for with a valid American Express, DISCOVER, MasterCard, or VISA card and you must be at least 13 years old to place an online order. Note: If you are younger than 13, your parent or guardian cannot create an ACT Web account in order to place an order online for you. Ask your parent or guardian to contact ACT at 319.337.1270 for assistance.
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What is the ACT?                                          
The ACT is a national college admissions examination that consists of subject area tests in:

The ACT with writing includes the four subject area tests plus a 40-minute writing test.
ACT results are accepted by all four-year colleges and universities in the US.
The ACT includes 215 multiple-choice questions and takes approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes to complete, including a short break (or just over four hours if you are taking the ACT with writing). Actual testing time is 2 hours and 55 minutes (plus 40 minutes if you are taking the ACT with writing).
The ACT is administered on seven test dates within the US, US territories, Puerto Rico, and Canada. In other locations, the ACT is administered on five test dates.
The basic registration fee includes score reports for up to four college choices, if you list valid codes when you register.
The ACT tests are prepared according to the:
  • Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and National Council on Measurement in Education (1999).
  • Code of Professional Responsibilities in Educational Measurement, National Council on Measurement in Education (1995).
  • Code of Fair Testing Practices in Education, Joint Committee on Testing Practices (2004).
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What is the difference between the ACT and SAT?                                          
Comparison of the ACT Test and SAT
Test Fee$46.00
$62.50 (with writing)
$60.00 (with essay test)
International Test Fee$103.50
$120.00 (with writing)
$84.00-113.00, depending on location
Total Testing Time*

*Redesigned SAT testing time subject to research
2 hours and 55 minutes (plus 40 minutes for the Essay [optional])3 hours (plus 50 minutes for the Essay [optional])
  • ACT mathematics test (60 items, 60 minutes
  • ACT reading test (40 items, 35 minutes)
  • ACT science test (40 items, 35 minutes)
  • ACT English test (75 items, 45 minutes)
  • ACT writing test (optional; 1 prompt, 40 minutes)
  • Math (58 items, 80 minutes)
  • Evidence-Based Reading and Writing
    • Reading Test (52 items, 65 minutes)
    • Writing and Language Test (44 Items, 35 minutes)
  • Essay (optional; 1 prompt, 50 minutes)
Important Features
  • Designed to measure academic achievement in English, mathematics, reading, and science.
  • Scores based on the number of correct answers. No penalty for incorrect answers.
  • Includes enhanced scoring for reliable college and career planning insights:
    • STEM Score
    • ELA Score
    • Progress Toward Career Readiness Indicator
    • Text Complexity Progress Indicator
  • Continued emphasis on reasoning.
  • Greater emphasis on the meaning of words in extended contexts and on how word choice shapes meaning, tone, and impact.
  • Scores based on the number of correct answers. No penalty for incorrect answers.
Score Reporting
*Redesigned SAT scores subject to research
  • ACT Composite Score: 1–36 (average of four test scores)
  • ACT English test: 1–36
  • ACT reading test: 1–36
  • ACT mathematics test: 1–36
  • ACT science test: 1–36
  • ACT writing test (optional): 2-12
  • STEM Score: 1-36
  • ELA Score: 1-36
  • Scale ranging from 400 to 1600
  • Scale ranging from 200 to 800 for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing; 200 to 800 for Math; 2 to 8 on each of three traits for Essay
  • Essay results reported separately

Why choose the ACT?
Acceptance: The ACT is accepted by all US colleges and universities.
Test format: The ACT is and always has been a curriculum-based achievement test, measuring what a student has learned in school. Students frequently tell us that they feel more comfortable taking the ACT since it is directly related to what they learn in most of their high school courses. The current SAT is more of an aptitude test, testing reasoning and verbal abilities.
More than an admissions exam: In addition to being a college admissions exam, the ACT includes a profile and education/career planning section to help you plan for life after high school. You will receive personalized career information and develop a comprehensive profile that tells colleges about your work in high school and future plans. You can also see your strengths and weaknesses in the subject areas tested to help direct your future education.
The personalized career planning information provided from the ACT Interest Inventory helps students evaluate their interests in various career options. The information, in combination with the interactive ACT World-of-Work Map, helps students make connections between the work world and the activities they like to do.

Stable and trusted: ACT continues to offer its well-established and stable assessment, plus an optional writing test. ACT has made incremental improvements to enhance the ACT test, always keeping in mind the people we serve. We know the ACT has significant impact on people’s lives, so we work hard to avoid unnecessary risks that might come with large-scale changes.
Deeper understanding of readiness: In addition to the 1–36 scoring scale that colleges know and trust, ACT also provides college and career readiness indicators designed to show student achievement and preparedness in areas important to success after high school.
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Score – Represents a student’s overall performance on the science and math portions of the assessment. The ACT is the only national college admission exam to measure science skills. This new STEM score helps students connect their strengths to career and study paths that they might not otherwise have considered, especially when used with their results from the ACT Interest Inventory. Click here to learn more about the ACT Interest Inventory
  • English Language Arts (ELA) Score – Combines achievement on the English, reading, and writing portions of the ACT for those who take all three sections, enabling students to see how their performance compares with others who have been identified as college ready. A student must take the optional Writing Test to receive this score. Learn more about the writing test.
  • Progress Toward Career Readiness Indicator – Provides an indicator of future performance on the ACT National Career Readiness Certificate™ (ACT NCRC®), an assessment-based credential that certifies foundational work skills important for job success across industries and occupations.
  • Text Complexity Progress Indicator – Helps students understand if they are making sufficient progress toward understanding the complex texts they will encounter in college and during their careers.
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When should I test?                                          
When should I test?
Pick a test date that is at least two months ahead of the application deadlines of all the colleges and scholarship agencies you might want to apply to. Scores for the ACT are normally reported within 2–8 weeks after the test date. If you take the ACT with writing, scores will be reported only after all of your scores are available, including writing, normally within 5–8 weeks after the test date.
Advantages to testing in your junior year:
  • You've probably completed the coursework corresponding to the test material.
  • You'll have your test scores and other information in time to help you plan your senior year. (For example, you may decide to take an additional class in an area in which your test score was low.)
  • Colleges will know of your interests and have your scores in time to contact you during the summer before your senior year, when many of them are sending information about admissions, course placement, scholarships, and special programs to prospective students.
  • You'll have information about yourself and the schools you're considering prior to your campus visits, making your visits more focused.
  • You'll have the opportunity to retest if you feel your scores don't accurately reflect your abilities in the areas tested.
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                                                        Who can take the ACT?                                          
People of all ages and grade levels are eligible to take the ACT. This includes students in grades 6, 7, 8, and 9 and high school graduates. Of course you'll need to register and pay the test fees.
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Why take the ACT?                                          
  • The ACT is accepted by all 4-year colleges and universities in the United States.
  • The ACT multiple-choice tests are based on what you're learning. The ACT is not an aptitude or an IQ test. The test questions on the ACT are directly related to what you have learned in your high school courses in English, mathematics, reading, and science. Every day you attend class you are preparing for the ACT. The harder you work in school, the more prepared you will be for the test.
  • There are many ways to prepare for the ACT. Taking challenging courses in high school is the best way to prepare, but ACT also offers a number of test preparation options including free online practice tests, testing tips for each subject area tested, and the free student booklet Preparing for the ACT. This booklet includes complete practice tests (with a sample writing prompt and example essays). ACT Online Prep™, the only online test preparation program developed by ACT, is another tool to help you be ready for test day.
  • The ACT helps you plan for your future. In addition to the tests, the ACT also provides you with a unique Interest Inventory and a Student Profile Section. By responding to these sections, which ask about your interests, courses, and educational preferences, you provide a profile of your work in high school and your career choices to colleges.
  • The ACT helps colleges find you. By taking the ACT, you make yourself visible to colleges and scholarship agencies, so it's another way to help you get ready for life after high school.
  • Your ACT score is based only on what you know. The ACT is the only national college admission test based on the number of correct answers—you are not penalized for guessing.
  • You choose which scores you send to colleges. When you register for the ACT, you can choose up to four colleges to which ACT will send your scores as part of the basic fee for your test option. If you take the test more than once, you choose which test date results the colleges will receive. ACT sends scores only for the test date you select.
  • Optional Writing Test. Because not all colleges require a writing test for admission, ACT offers you the choice of whether or not you want to spend the extra time and money taking the writing test. Writing is an important skill for college and work, but schools use different methods to measure your writing skills. Find out what colleges have told us about their policies here.
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What is Test Information Release?                                          
Through Test Information Release (TIR), you receive a copy of the multiple-choice test questions, a list of your answers, and the answer key. If you took the writing test, you also receive a copy of the writing prompt, scoring guidelines, and scores assigned to your essay. You also receive information about ordering (for an additional fee) a photocopy of your answer document (including your essay, if you took writing).
This service is only available on three national test dates per year—December, April, and June, and only if you test at a national test center. If for any reason ACT has to replace the test form scheduled for use at  your test center, this offer becomes void, and ACT will refund your fee for this service.
If you order TIR when you register, materials are mailed about 4 weeks after scores are reported. You can also order TIR for three months after you test.
For fee information, dates we offer this service, and a printable PDF order form, see the Test Information Release Form (PDF).


                                                                                                        Registration Questions                 

Can my parent/guardian get copies of email reminders and information ...                                          
... from ACT?
Email is an important communication link between the student and ACT. We will send critical messages to the student email address, including things like registration receipts, reminders to upload a photo and print the admission ticket, test center alerts, and if the student’s registration was cancelled for failure to provide an acceptable photo by the deadline. By providing a parent email address, the parent will also receive copies of critical messages sent to the student, and will be contacted in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
The student emails the parent receives will be identified as a copy and for parent information only. The student must log in to the account to take any action requested in the email. Note that these emails may contain sensitive information about the student and the student’s ACT record. Only a trusted parent or guardian should be registered to receive these emails.
Once the parent email has been entered, the parent will have 14 days to confirm that the parent wants to receive these emails. If that confirmation is not submitted within that time, the parent will not receive any student email copies. The student will also be notified that the parent has or has not confirmed.
The parent may stop receiving student email copies at any time by asking the student to delete the information from the Parent Email section of the student account. The parent will receive an email notification if the student deletes or changes the parent information in the account.
The parent can expect to receive emails regarding the student’s ACT information from any of the following email addresses:

  • ACT-Reg@act.org
  • ACT-WebAccount@act.org
  • ACT-Order@act.org
  • ACT-Notice@act.org
  • ACT-Billing@act.org
To avoid losing messages to spam filters, these should be added to the parent’s address book.

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How can I add/change my college choices or correct my high school code ...                                          
... after I register?
If you registered for national or international testing*, you have until Thursday noon, central time, immediately following the regularly scheduled Saturday test date to correct your high school code and/or add/change/cancel college codes. The same deadline applies even if your test center is rescheduled for any reason (e.g., inclement weather).
The best way is to log in to your ACT web account and select "Make changes to your registration." There is no fee for changes to the first four college codes. After the deadline, all changes must be made by requesting and paying for Additional Score Reports.
* For other testing programs (e.g., State and District, Special, DANTES), you won't be able to make changes once you submit your answer folder to your test administrator.
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How can I make changes to my registration?                                          
Log in to your ACT web account and select "Make changes to your registration" or call ACT at 319.337.1270 no later than the late registration deadline for your preferred test date.  You will need to know your preferred test center, test option, and/or test date and have a valid credit card number with expiration date and security code.
Test Option Change
See I've changed my mind about taking the ACT writing test. Can I add or remove it before test day?
Test Center Change for the same test date
If a seat and materials are available for your test option at your new preferred test center on your preferred test date, you will be assigned there and charged a Test Center Change fee.  You cannot request a test center change after the late registration deadline. Instead, find out about requesting standby testing.
Test Date Change
A test date change can be used to sign up for a different test date if you are absent or unable to test on the original test date or if your registration is cancelled for failure to meet ACT's test security requirements.
If a seat and materials are available for your test option at your preferred test center on your new test date, you will be assigned there. You will be charged the full basic test fee for your test option plus the Test Date Change fee (plus a late fee if you request the change during the late registration period for the new test date). The test fee for your original test date will be promptly refunded. Note: If you paid with an ACT Fee Waiver, the waiver will be reapplied to your new test date, but covers only the test fee for your test option—you must pay all other fees.  You cannot request a test date change after the late registration deadline for your preferred test date.  Instead, find out about requesting standby testing.
Other Registration Changes (college choices, address, etc.)
Read your admission ticket carefully. If you need to make any informational changes (such as your mailing address), log in to your ACT web account and select "Make changes to your registration," or call 319.337.1270. Note that college choices can be added or changed only until 12PM central time on the Thursday following the Saturday test date.
See current ACT fees for details about additional fees.
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How do I pay when I register online?                                          
Online registrations must be paid by credit card, ACT fee waiver, prebilled registration voucher, or state voucher. To register using any other method of payment, you MUST use the paper registration folder.
ACT accepts any valid American Express, Discover, MasterCard or Visa card.
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  I can't test on the date I registered for. What can I do?                                          
You will need to request a Test Date Change. Log in to your ACT web account and select "Make changes to your registration" no later than the late registration deadline for your new test date.
If there is space for your test option at your new preferred test center on your new preferred test date, you will be assigned there. You will be charged the full test fee for your test option plus the Test Date Change fee (plus a late fee if you request the change during the late registration period for the new test date). The test fee for your original test date will be refunded.
If you miss the late deadline for your preferred test date, you may be able to request standby testing.
If you cannot get to your web account, you can call ACT at 319.337.1270. You will need to provide the following information:
  • Your name and address
  • Preferred new test date
  • Preferred new test center
  • Preferred test option
  • A valid credit card number with expiration date and security code
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I want to cancel my registration. Can I get a refund?                                          
If you decide you do not want to test, your basic registration fee and any additional service fees (e.g., late registration, test center change) are nonrefundable.
Fees for optional services, however, are refundable on request if you ordered and paid for them when you registered, and if you submit a timely refund request. See ACT fees for details. Optional services include:
  • Score reports for 5th and 6th college codes
  • Test Information Release
  • ACT writing test
To request a refund of these optional services, write "REFUND" on your unused ticket and mail it to ACT, email [url=]act-reg@act.org[/url] with "REFUND" in the subject line, or write a letter including your identifying information and the test date and test option for which you registered. Label your envelope "REFUND." Refunds will be issued about 8 weeks after the test date. Refund requests for the 2016-2017 testing year received after July 31, 2017, will not be honored.
Send your request to:
301 ACT Drive
P.O. Box 414
Iowa City, IA 52243-0414
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I've changed my mind about taking the ACT writing test ...                                          
... can I add or remove this test option?
Yes. Log in to your ACT web account and select "Make changes to your registration" no later than the late registration deadline for your test date. Fee adjustments depend on whether you are adding or removing the writing test and whether other services are required to find you a seat (for example, a Test Center Change).
If you change your mind after the late deadline, you may attempt to change your test option on the day of the test. Tell the test coordinator at your test center that you want to change your Test Option before you are admitted to test. If there are materials, space, and staff available for your preferred test option, you will be allowed to make the change. If you change to the ACT with writing, ACT will bill you for the additional fee.
See current ACT fees for specific information.
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Is online registration secure for payment by credit card?                                          
Yes. To protect the security of your information during transmission, we use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts the information you input.
You can check if the website you're using has this type of security by checking to make sure the URL begins "https" rather than "http".

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What are the requirements for the name I use when registering and testing?                                          
Only English characters can be accepted. Use the name you would use when applying for a driver’s license or other government-issued ID. The first and last names provided when you create your ACT web account (or register by mail) will appear on all of your ACT documents. These include the ACT ticket you present on test day, the test center roster ACT sends to the test center, and your score reports.
On test day, you will be required to present acceptable photo identification. The first and last names on your photo ID must be consistent with the names on your ACT ticket. Before test day, check your photo ID against the names on your ACT web account and ticket. If there are significant differences, you will NOT be admitted to test. Please note the following:
  • Slight differences in your first name due to shortened names (such as “Dave” vs. “David” or “Jen” vs. “Jennifer”) are common and acceptable.
  • Differences in your first name due to traditional nicknames that are not based on shortening the name (such as “Jack” vs. “John” or “Peggy” vs. “Margaret”) will NOT be accepted.
  • If you go by your middle name, but your photo ID lists your first name, you must use your first name as your ACT name to be admitted to test.
  • The use of initials in place of first and last names (such as “JD” or “MJ”) will NOT be accepted for either your ACT name or your photo ID.
  • Differences in last name will not be accepted at the test center.
If you need to change either of the names (first and/or last) previously provided to ACT, contact ACT Student Services at 319.337.1270 or write to [url=]ACT-Reg@act.org[/url]. You may need to provide written documentation to support the change—such as a court order, adoption papers, or marriage license—before it can be made. This could cause you to miss testing on your preferred test day.
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Why was I assigned to a test center that was not originally a choice...                                          
... can I change this?
When you registered, the test center you chose was either full or unavailable. We assigned you to the nearest available test center, based on your original choices, that had a seat and materials for your test option.
To request a Test Center Change, log in to your ACT web account and select "Make changes to your registration" or call ACT at 319.337.1270 by the late deadline for your test date. When you call, have your ACT ID, test date, test option, preferred test center and a valid credit card number with expiration date and security code.
If there is room at your preferred test center for your test option, you will be assigned there and charged a Test Center Change fee.
If you miss the late deadline, you may be able to request standby testing.
For students approved to test with extended time: If you were approved, we assigned you to the nearest test center with an extended time seat. If you were approved for accommodations other than extended time, we assigned you to the nearest available center that could provide those accommodations. Please note: This test center may be different than the one listed on the standard time admission ticket you received when you registered. If it is, you must log into your ACT web account and reprint your admission ticket.
See current ACT fees.
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                                                                                                        Photo Upload Questions                 

re photos required for students who take the ACT as part of statewide ...                                          
... or district-administered testing on a school day?
Photos are not required for students who take the ACT as part of required statewide or district-wide testing. In those cases, students do not pre-register for the ACT, and the test is administered in the classroom by the students’ teachers. Many other test security measures are in place for these types of testing.
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Are photos required for students who take the ACT through residual ...                                          
... testing?
No, photos are not required for residual testing at this time. Students do not pre-register for residual testing.
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Are photos required for students who take the ACT internationally?                                          
Students registering to test internationally may provide a photo if they wish, but it is not required at this time.
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Are photos required for students who take the test on a standby basis?                                          
Yes. Standby test takers will be required to follow the same procedures as all other test takers, including providing a photo to ACT prior to the photo upload deadline and presenting a standby ticket that includes that photo.
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Can I change/replace my photo?                                          
Yes. You may email a new photo to [url=]act-reg@act.org[/url]. Please include your full name, address, city, state, and date of birth within the email. If you know your ACT ID, please include that as well. Before sending your photo, make sure it meets the ACT Photo Requirements.
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Does ACT make provisions for students whose religious beliefs prohibit ...                                          
... having a photo taken?
ACT's processes accommodate those students. Students who wish to apply for an exception due to religious prohibitions should call ACT at 319.337.1270 to discuss their individual situation as early in the process as possible and no later than the regular registration deadline for their desired test date.  Note:  If a student has any photo identification (school ID or government issued like a driver’s license) or a photo in any school publications (e.g., newspaper or yearbook), the student is not eligible for an exception from ACT's photo requirements.
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What will ACT do with the examinee's photo?                                          
ACT will use the photo during the testing process for enhanced identity matching purposes. The photo will print on the ticket the student must present on test day.  Photos will print on the test day roster so testing staff know who to expect to arrive for testing and can match the photos on the ticket and roster to the student. High schools will automatically receive the student’s score report with the photo printed on it, so they can reinforce the identity match after testing.
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What will be done with the photos after ACT has used them?                                          
ACT will keep the photos in a secure, encrypted database to which only we will have access. ACT will retain the photos for a period of time consistent with active use of test scores and test security needs. The photos will not be used for any purpose other than for identity matching.
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What would prevent an examinee from uploading someone else's photo ...                                          
... when they register and then having that same person show up on test day with a fake ID?
Security is most effective when provided in layers. That’s why ACT relies on more than just the identification match when examinees arrive to take the test. We also print examinees’ photos on the score report that is automatically sent to high schools and use other tools to help detect and deter potential impersonation attempts. These procedures make successfully impersonating another student much more difficult.
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Will high schools be required to check the photos on score reports ...                                          
... to verify the students’ identity?
High schools are encouraged to check the photos on student score reports and to report any concerns regarding a student’s identity to ACT.
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Will student photos be included in score reports sent to colleges ...                                          
... for admission purposes?
No. ACT does not plan to include photos with score reports sent to colleges at this time. The photos will only be printed on score reports sent to the student’s high school.
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                                                                                                    Special Circumstances                 

Am I eligible for a fee waiver?                                          
If you are testing on a national test date and can't afford the registration fee for the ACT or ACT with writing, you may be eligible for an ACT Fee Waiver. Information about the eligibility requirements and how to request a fee waiver is sent each summer to high schools.  You should work with your local high school to determine your eligibility.
You must meet all of the following requirements:
  • Currently enrolled in high school in the 11th or 12th grade.
  • Either a United States citizen or testing in the US, US territories, or Puerto Rico.
  • Meet one or more indicators of economic need listed on the ACT Fee Waiver form.
If you are eligible, you may use a maximum of two separate fee waivers total. The waiver is used once you register, even if you do not test on the requested test date.
IMPORTANT: To take full advantage of the waiver, you must follow through and test on your registered test date.
Fee waivers cover only the basic registration fee for your test option on a national test date, including up to four college choices (if you provide valid codes when you register). Waivers do not cover the late registration fee, test date or test center changes, standby fee, additional score reports, or any other services.
You cannot request a fee waiver directly from ACT; you must contact your high school counselor. If you receive an ACT Fee Waiver Form, follow the “How to Apply this Fee Waiver” on it for your registration method (or if requesting Special Testing).
Note: If you register online, and register during the late period or request any additional services, you must enter a credit card to pay those fees before submitting your registration.
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Can homebound or confined students take the ACT?                                          
Yes. If you are homebound or confined to a hospital or correctional institution on all scheduled test dates, do not register online.
Instead, download a Request for Arranged Testing (PDF; 4 pages, 57KB) and have your counselor or other school official complete it for you.
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Is extended time allowed based solely on limited English proficiency?                                          
No. Extended time testing is available only for students with diagnosed disabilities and is not available solely on the basis of limited English proficiency.
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Is Non-Saturday testing available?                                          
Non-Saturday testing is available only for students who cannot test on a Saturday because of religious convictions. If there is a non-Saturday test center within 75 miles of your home for any test date, register for that date and request that center.
If you qualify, and if there is not a non-Saturday test center within 75 miles of your home (U.S. or Canada only), or no non-Saturday test centers in your country (in other locations) scheduled on any test date, do not register online. Instead, check the requirements for Arranged Testing (4 pages, 57KB).

  • When you search for a test center on this website, both Saturday and non-Saturday test centers will appear in your search results. Non-Saturday test dates are underlined with a link to information about eligibility for non-Saturday testing.
  • When you search for a test center within the online registration system, you must select "Show non-Saturday test centers" in order to see a listing of both Saturday and non-Saturday test centers.

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  Is the ACT offered in languages other than English?                                          
No; the ACT and ACT with writing are offered only in English.
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What if there are no test centers scheduled near my home for any test date?                                          
If you plan to test in the US, US territories, Puerto Rico, or Canada, and there are no Saturday test centers scheduled within 75 miles of your home on any test date, you may be eligible for Arranged Testing (4 pages, 57KB).
If you plan to test outside the US or Canada and there are no Saturday test centers scheduled in your country on any test date, search for a center in a nearby country within reasonable traveling distance or check the requirements for Arranged Testing (4 pages, 57KB).
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                                                                                                    Test Day                 

Can I change my test date or test center on test day?                                          
No. To be considered for admission to the test center, you must bring a printed copy of your ticket. The correct test center and test date must be listed on your ticket. If you bring a ticket for another test date or a different test center, you will not be admitted. You must also bring acceptable photo identification.
The only change you can make on the day of the test is your test option—ACT or ACT with writing. Tell the test supervisor at your test center that you want to make this change beforeyou are admitted to test. If there are materials, space, and staff available for your new preferred test option after students registered for that option have been admitted, you will be allowed to make the change. If you change to the ACT with writing, ACT will bill you. See current ACT fees.
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Can I use a calculator?                                          
The ACT Calculator Policy
The ACT calculator policy is designed to ensure fairness for all examinees, avoid disturbances in the testing room, and protect the security of the test materials. For more information view the latest Calculator Policy (PDF).

Please visit our FAQ for Computer Algebra System (CAS) Functionality for more information.
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Frequently Asked Questions - Computer Algebra System (CAS) Functionality                                          
Note: These FAQs may be updated from time to time.
Q1: How does the policy apply to calculators that cannot hold programs and documents?
A: Not all calculators have the capability to hold programs and documents. If the calculator you bring to take the ACT Mathematics Test cannot hold programs and documents, then these clarifications do not affect you.
Q2: What is computer algebra system (CAS) functionality?
A: A computer algebra system typically solves equations algebraically, simplifies expressions, performs algebraic manipulations, and performs exact arithmetic (for example, does not round or truncate decimal places). A computer algebra system is also a system, potentially doing many levels of analysis at the same time. Examples include, but are not limited to, Zoom-Math, APP4MATH, F2K, etc.
Q3: Why can't I use a computer algebra system on the ACT Mathematics test?
A: A computer algebra system has a valid place in mathematics, and learning how to use the tool effectively is valuable. The ACT Mathematics Test does not assess this skill. Being college and career ready in mathematics requires that a student be able to analyze algebraic expressions and equations, knowing what to do in order to solve problems.
Q4: My calculator holds apps as well as programs. Are apps allowed?
A: Apps that have CAS functionality must be removed as well. Even though your calculator may have separate buttons or places to store apps versus programs, an app is a kind of program. For the purposes of this policy, the definition of “program” includes apps. Any time the word “program” is used, it should be interpreted to include apps as well.
Q5: Do ALL programs have to be removed? What about documents?
A: Only programs that have CAS functionality must be removed. All documents, however, must be removed regardless of their purpose or function.
Q6: Can you tell me if a specific program or app is allowed?
A: Given the proliferation of math resources/tools, ACT is not fully familiar with all mathematics programs and apps that are available for use on a calculator. If you are unsure whether a program or app is prohibited, our recommendation is to not install it or remove it before test day.
Q7: Is it OK to disable programs instead of removing them?
A: ACT's calculator policy calls for the programs to be removed. Disabling programs – for example, putting the calculator in Press to Test mode – is not enough.
Q8: If I have to remove programs from my calculator, how do I get them back on it after I test?
A: Many calculators have a way of restoring programs if they have been saved outside the calculator. If you have programs that you need to remove and you do not know how to save and restore, we recommend you check with your calculator company for details well in advance of test day.
Q9: What kinds of mathematics-related programs ARE allowed?
A: The kinds of mathematics-related programs permitted for the ACT allow students to use the calculator capabilities to do the routine calculations yet require students to show their analysis skills by choosing the right operations and process. Mathematics-related programs are allowed if they are single-purpose – for example, finding numeric solutions to a quadratic equation. A student must choose the right program for the right purpose. This is much the same as choosing the right formula for the right purpose.
Q10: Are there any rules that allowed mathematics-related programs must follow?
A: Programs must be written in the language of the calculator. Programs written in a different language, compiled, and loaded onto the calculator are not allowed. In this way, the programs can be examined on the calculator and will use calculator functions. Programs must not be lengthy. The limit is 25 logical lines of code. Programs cannot call another program. Techniques such as compressing code into a data statement are not allowed as a way of getting around this limit. Programs are allowed to change the value of system variables so that results may, for example, be graphed through the normal calculator graphing interface.
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                                                        How do I get ready for test day?                                          
The best preparation for the ACT is taking a solid high school program—courses in English, mathematics, science, and social studies—and taking your schoolwork seriously. It's also true that your attitudes, emotions, and physical state may influence your performance. So start preparing early.
Read all the information in the Register Online Brochure, if you registered on the web, or in Registering by Mail for the ACT, if you registered by paper folder. Take the complete practice tests in the free booklet, Preparing for the ACT. You can download this booklet or obtain a copy from your school. For more practice, see our online sample test questions.
Also read the information here on the web so you know what to expect on test day and read test-taking tips. Be sure to read the information about permitted and prohibited calculators carefully.
You may also consider purchasing ACT Online Prep™ or the Real ACT Prep Guide. Both include test-taking strategies and practice tests.
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Is standby testing the same as a Test Date Change?                                          
It depends on when you decide to make the change. All test date changes requested during the limited Standby Request Period before each test date are treated the same as Standby Testing.  
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What happens if my test center has to reschedule the test?                                          
Occasionally, a test center must cancel a test administration due to bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances. When this occurs, the test will be rescheduled for a future date. ACT contacts all students who were registered to test at that test center by mail or e-mail with complete instructions as soon as the new test date is finalized. The rescheduling is done in consultation with testing staff on site. A list of test centers to be rescheduled can be found on this website.
Who is eligible to test on a rescheduled date?
Only students who were assigned to the test center on the original test date are eligible to retest on the rescheduled test date. You must bring your original paper admission ticket with photo and acceptable photo ID to the test center for admission on your rescheduled test day. Students who submitted an online request to test standby at the center on the original test date must have their original ticket and acceptable photo ID and are subject to all conditions applicable to standby testing.
Can I change test centers when I am rescheduled?
Test center changes are not allowed for rescheduled test dates.
What if I am unable to attend the rescheduled date?
If you are unable to attend the rescheduled date, you should call ACT Student Services at 319.337.1270 (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. central time).
When you call, tell the Customer Service Representative you were originally scheduled to test at a test center that closed, that you are unable to attend the rescheduled test date, and that you want to make a Test Date Change. Your registration cannot be cancelled or refunded, but you may reschedule for any available test center on any regularly scheduled test date at no additional charge if you call us by the registration deadline for your preferred test date. If you requested standby testing and were unable to test, your standby request will not transfer to another test date. Instead, ACT will refund the fees paid for your standby request.
You may also log in to your student web account and choose "Make changes to your registration." However, if you choose to change your test date on the web, instead of calling an ACT Customer Service Representative, you will be charged the full basic fee for your test option plus the Test Date Change fee. The basic fee for your original test date will be refunded. You must pay with a valid credit card.
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What happens if there is bad weather on test day?                                          
Listen to the local radio or television station that normally carries school announcements. If the test administration is canceled at your test center, there will be an announcement and the administration will be rescheduled. ACT will also notify you by mail or e-mail as soon as your rescheduled test date information is finalized.  All test centers being rescheduled are listed here, along with further information.
If your test center stays open, but you are unable to travel to the test center due to severe weather, call ACT Student Services at 319.337.1270 (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. central time) during the week after your originally scheduled test date to change to a future test date (a Test Date Change fee will apply).  If your test center remained open, you will not be eligible to test at a rescheduled test center.
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What identification will I have to show at the test center?                                          
Before being admitted to test, you are required to present:
The ID you present, including any required signatures, must be original, not a photocopy or reproduction, and your name must be in English. School ID that is printed (e.g., from a website) or not in a hard card format is not acceptable.
If your appearance has changed and you do not have acceptable photo ID that matches your current appearance, you may use the ACT Student Identification Form (with current photo). Questions about ID policy should be directed to ACT Customer Care.
You will still be allowed to test if you do not bring your admission or standby ticket, however, if you do not bring a printed copy of your ticket your scores will be delayed. The ticket contains important match information that cannot be found anywhere else.
Acceptable forms of identification:
Only the following forms of identification are acceptable. If it is not on this list, it is not acceptable, and you will not be admitted to test.
  • Current official photo ID
    • Must be an original, current (valid) ID issued by a city/state/federal government agency or your school. Note: School ID must be in hard plastic card format. Paper or electronic formats are NOT acceptable.
    • Your first and last names must match the ticket.
    • The photo must be clearly recognizable as you.
  • ACT Student Identification Form with photo
    • You MUST present this ACT Student Identification Form with photo if you do not have a current official photo ID as described above.
    • It must be completed by a school official or notary public; neither may be a relative.
    • All items must be completed.
    • Download the form here (PDF).
  • ACT Talent Search Student Identification Form

    • If you are participating in an academic talent search program and were not requiredto submit a photo with your registration you must present your ACT Talent Search Identification form. If you are participating in an academic talent search program and were required to submit a photo when you registered, you must present either a current official photo ID or an ACT Student Identification form with photo.
Unacceptable identification:You will not be admitted if you present any forms of ID other than those listed as acceptable.
The following are examples of unacceptable identification:
  • ACT ticket alone
  • Birth certificate
  • ChildFind ID card
  • Credit, charge, bank or check cashing cards, even with photo
  • Diploma
  • Family portrait or graduation picture, even if the name is imprinted on the photo
  • Fishing or hunting license
  • ID issued by an employer
  • ID letter that is not an official ACT identification form
  • Learner's driving permit (if it doesn't include a photo)
  • Temporary/replacement driver's license (if it doesn't include a photo)
  • Organization membership card
  • Passport or other photo ID so old that the person presenting it cannot be identified
  • Personal recognition by anyone, including members of the test center staff, classmates, parents, counselors, and teachers
  • Photo ID of parents
  • Photo with your name embossed or printed on it by a photographer
  • Photocopies or reproductions
  • Photos issued by a business for promotional purposes (e.g., amusement parks)
  • Police report of a stolen wallet or purse
  • Printed, stamped, or photocopied signatures
  • Published photo, including yearbook or newspaper
  • Report card
  • Social Security card
  • Telephone calls to counselors, teachers, or school officials
  • Traffic ticket, even with a physical description and signature
  • Transcript, even with photo
  • Web page with photo
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What if I missed the test date I signed up for?                                          
Once you have submitted your registration to ACT, by any method, it cannot be canceled.
If you miss the test for any reason, including illness, injury, being denied admission at the test center for lack of ID, or late arrival, your options are listed below.
IMPORTANT: Once you break the seal on your test booklet, you cannot later request a test date change, even if you do not complete all your tests. You must register again and pay the full fee for your test option if you want to retest.
  • Request and pay for a test date change
    Log in to your ACT web account and select "Make Changes to Your Registration" or call ACT Registration at 319.337.1270 by the regular deadline for the new test date. You will be charged the full fee for the new test date in addition to the test date change fee. If you call during the late registration period, you will also be a charged a late fee. In either case, your basic fee for the original test date will be refunded. (If you register for a new test date instead of making a test date change, your basic fee for the original test date will not be refunded.)If you decide you do not want to test on another test date, your registration fee and any additional fees (such as late fee or test center change fee) are nonrefundable. If you do not test, no score reports will be sent.
  • Request a refund for optional services
    If you do not test and do not make a test date change, the following fees for optional services are refundable if you ordered and paid for the services when you registered:
    • Score reports for 5th and 6th college codes
    • Test Information Release
    • ACT writing test

    To request a refund of these optional services, write "REFUND" on your unused admission ticket and mail it to ACT Registration, email [url=]act-reg@act.org[/url] with "REFUND" in the subject line, or write a letter including your identifying information and the test date and test option for which you registered. Label your envelope "REFUND." Refunds will be issued about eight weeks after your scheduled test date and will be issued in the form of payment originally received (for example, a credit will be applied to your credit card).Requests for refunds for the 2016–2017 testing year received after July 31, 2017, will not be considered.
    Send your request to:
    P.O. Box 414
    Iowa City, IA 52243-0414
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What if I've lost or do not have my ticket?                                          
Log in to your ACT web account and print another copy.
You WILL still be allowed to test if you do not bring your ticket to the test center, however, the ticket has important match information that will delay your scores if not provided. This information cannot be provided in any other way.
You must still bring acceptable photo identification. If you do not bring acceptable photo identification, you will not be allowed to test.

If you registered online:
You MUST print your ticket from your ACT web account when prompted. This can be done only after your registration or standby request is confirmed. You will NOT receive a ticket in the mail. If you have difficulty printing your ticket call 319.337.1270 immediately.
If you registered by mail:
If you do not receive a ticket in the mail by 10 days before the test date, log in to your ACT web account to print it or call 319.337.1270 immediately.
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What if I've missed the late registration deadline for my test date but ...                                          
... need to test that day?
If you miss the late deadline to register for a test date, you may be able to request standby testing.  Standby requests must be submitted and paid for online during a limited Standby Request Period before the test date. Paper registration folders are not accepted at the test center.
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What is standby testing?                                          
Standby testing allows you to register your intent to test even after the late registration deadline. This is also true if you need to make a late change to your registration—to change your test date or test center.  Standby requests must be submitted and paid for online during a limited Standby Request Period before the test date. Paper registration folders are notaccepted at the test center.
Standby testing is not available in all countries, and there is no guarantee you will be admitted to test. Standbys are admitted on a first-come, first-admitted basis and only if there are seats, materials, and staff available after all registered students for that test center and test date have been seated for their test option.
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What should I take to the test center?                                          
Be sure you take the items below to the test center. Pack the night before and make sure everything is ready to go. You don't want to forget anything or risk not being admitted to test.
  • A printed copy of your ticket.
  • Acceptable photo identification. You will not be admitted to test without it. (Your ticket alone is not sufficient identification.)
  • Sharpened, soft lead No. 2 pencils with good erasers (no mechanical pencils or ink pens). Do not bring highlight pens or any other kinds of writing instruments; you will not be allowed to use them. If you registered for the ACT with writing, your essay must also be completed in pencil.
  • A watch to pace yourself. Do not bring a watch with an alarm, because it will disturb other students. If your alarm sounds during testing, you will be dismissed and your answer document will not be scored. The supervisor in standard time rooms will announce when you have five minutes remaining on each test.
  • A permitted calculator (PDF) may be used on the mathematics test only. It is your responsibility to know whether your calculator is permitted.  Please refer to the ACT Calculator Policy (PDF).
  • Snacks or drinks to consume outside the test room during break.
You are not permitted to use or access the following items while in the test room:
  • textbooks, foreign language or other dictionaries, scratch paper (unless specifically authorized and provided by ACT), notes, or other aids
  • highlight pens, colored pens or pencils, or correction fluid/tape
  • any electronic device other than a permitted calculator (examples include cell phone, media player, iPad, headphones, camera)
  • reading material
  • tobacco in any form
  • food or beverages, including water
For additional information, see prohibited behavior at the test center.
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What time does the test start?                                          
Testing begins after all examinees present by 8:00 a.m. are checked in and seated. A short break is scheduled after the first two tests. For students taking the ACT with writing, a brief break is also scheduled before the writing test. Students taking the ACT in standard time rooms are normally dismissed at about 12:15 p.m.; students taking the ACT with writing are normally dismissed at about 1:15 p.m.
On some test dates, ACT tries out questions to develop future versions of the tests. You may be asked to take a fifth test, the results of which will not be reflected in your reported scores. The fifth test could be multiple-choice or one for which you will create your own answers. Please try your best on these questions, because your participation can help shape the future of the ACT.
Note: Testing time will be extended by about 20 minutes in rooms that administer the fifth test.
For more information about what to expect on test day, see Test Day.
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Why do I need to bring my ACT ticket?                                          
Your ticket also includes a box of Matching Information. During testing your supervisor will instruct you to copy this information exactly as it appears, even if incorrect, into the corresponding blocks on your answer document. If you do not copy the Matching Information from your ticket exactly, your scores will be delayed, possibly up to 8 weeks, and your score reports may not reach the colleges you selected in time to meet their application deadlines.
Do not try to present a ticket for a different test date or a different test center on test day.  It will not be accepted.
Note: Your ticket also contains helpful information such as the time, test date, and test center where you are to report.  It may also include messages specific to your test center, such as where to park or which building or entrance to use.  Please read your ticket carefully prior to test day.
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                                                                                                Test Prep                 

Does ACT call to sell test prep services or give information to...                                          
test prep companies?
ACT, Inc. operates within a framework of internal policies and procedures that protect the personal information of its customers. ACT does not sell or provide any personally identifiable information, including ACT test scores, to any test preparation companies. It is not ACT's practice to call students registering for the ACT test or other customers to sell them test prep services or to request credit card information over the phone.
If students or others receive phone calls requesting credit card information from persons or organizations claiming to represent or be affiliated with ACT, they should contact ACT Registration (319.337.1270) or the local authorities with as much information as possible about the caller.
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How many questions are there and how long will the test take?                                          
English: 75 questions – 45 minutes
Mathematics: 60 questions – 60 minutes
Reading: 40 questions – 35 minutes
Science: 40 questions – 35 minutes
Total: 215 questions
Writing: 1 prompt – 40 minutes
Testing begins after all examinees present by 8:00 a.m. are checked in and seated. A short break is scheduled after the first two tests. For students taking the ACT with writing, a brief break is also scheduled before the writing test. Students taking the ACT in standard time rooms are normally dismissed at about 12:15 p.m.; students taking the ACT with writing are normally dismissed at about 1:15 p.m.
On some test dates, ACT tries out questions to develop future versions of the tests. You may be asked to take a fifth test, the results of which will not be reflected in your reported scores. The fifth test could be multiple-choice or one for which you will create your own answers. Please try your best on these questions, because your participation can help shape the future of the ACT.
Note: Testing time will be extended by about 20 minutes in rooms that administer the fifth test.
For more information about what to expect on test day, see Test Day.
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                                                        Which subject areas do the multiple-choice tests cover?                                          
English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science.
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                                                                                         Scores                 Viewing scores online

After I see my scores, can I cancel reporting to colleges?                                          
No. The deadline for adding, changing, or canceling college reports is the Thursday noon (central time) immediately after the regularly scheduled Saturday test date.
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Is there any way to see my scores sooner?                                          
No. The dates listed here are the earliest dates that multiple-choice scores may be available. There are no options to speed the scoring of your tests.
Note: Not all scores will be posted online on the earliest date shown. Scores will be processed and posted weekly as soon as the situation causing a delay is resolved (see examples). We encourage you to check back weekly.

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What can cause scores to take longer?                                          
Scores take longer if:
  • answer documents from your test center arrived late or your test date was rescheduled. (Please allow an additional 1 to 2 weeks for answer documents to arrive from locations other than the US, US territories, and Canada.)
  • the "Matching Information" you provide on the answer document (name, date of birth, and Match Number) is not consistent with the Matching Information on your admission ticket. Scores cannot be reported until they can be accurately matched to the correct person. About 8 to 10% of examinees provide inconsistent information.
  • you provide incomplete or inaccurate test form information on the answer document, or the answer document has not cleared all other scoring accuracy checks.
  • an irregularity is reported at your test center.
  • you owe any registration fees.
Scores are processed and reported weekly, usually each Wednesday and Friday, once the situation causing the delay is resolved.
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Why are multiple-choice scores available online before writing scores?                                          
The scoring process for the writing test takes longer. If you tested through National or International testing, you can view your multiple-choice scores, including the Composite score, as soon as they are ready. We will add your writing scores as soon as they are available and notify you when you log in to your student web account if your writing scores have been posted.
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Why can't I see my scores when I try to view them online?                                          
Most multiple-choice scores from national and international testing are processed and posted online within 2 weeks after each test date. See the schedule for viewing scores, and check periodically for updates if your scores are not posted on the earliest date shown. If you took the ACT with writing, your writing scores will be added when they are available, normally about 2 weeks after your multiple-choice scores.
If you tested through State and District, School or DANTES Testing, wait until after you receive your printed score report in the mail to create or log in to your ACT web Account and see if your scores from this administration have been posted.
Scores are processed and posted weekly (usually each Wednesday and Friday) as soon as the situation causing the delay is resolved (see examples).
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                                                                             Scores                 Getting scores
Can you give me my scores by phone, email, chat, or fax?                                          
No. Customer Care cannot provide your scores by phone, email, chat, or fax.
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How can I get my scores more quickly?                                          
You can order priority reports for delivery (only within the US) once your scores are ready for reporting. Ordering priority reports does not speed the scoring of your tests.
For more information, see delivery options and costs for sending your scores.
Scores and Score Reports on the WebIf you have an ACT Student web account you may view your scores and score report online with no fee as soon as your multiple-choice scores from a national or international test date are available.
If you tested through national or international testing, your multiple-choice scores will be posted as soon as they are available, usually within 2 weeks after the test date.
If you took the ACT with writing, your writing scores will be added as soon as they are available, normally about 2 weeks after your multiple-choice scores. You will be notified through your student web account when your writing scores have been added.
Your score report will also be delivered as a PDF through your ACT Student web account.
If you tested through State and District, School or DANTES Testing, you can also view your scores and score report online after you receive your printed score report in the mail.
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I haven't received my scores yet. How long does it take?                                          
You can view your scores online as soon as they are available through your student web account. Most multiple-choice scores from National and International testing, including the Composite score, are posted within 2 weeks after each test date. Writing scores are normally added about 2 weeks after your multiple-choice scores. You will receive notification when you log in to your account if your writing scores have been added.
If you tested through State and District Testing as of spring 2008 or if you tested through Special, Arranged, Project, or DANTES testing as of mid-September 2008, you can also view your scores online after you receive your score report in the mail with an ACT Student web account.
Score reports for the ACT are normally processed and posted online within 2 to 8 weeks after the test date. (Please allow an additional 1 to 2 weeks if you test in a location other than the US, US territories, or Canada.) If you took the ACT with writing, your scores will be released only after all your scores are available, including writing, normally about 2 weeks after your multiple-choice scores.
Your score report will also be delivered as a PDF through your student web account.
Scores are processed and added each week, usually each Wednesday and Friday. Normally, all scores are reported by 8 weeks after the test date. (See examples of why some scores take longer.) There is no option to speed the scoring of your tests.
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Where are my Test Information Release materials?                                          
... (copy of test questions, etc.)
Test Information Release (TIR) materials are not included with your score report. They are mailed about 4 weeks after your scores are reported. All TIR orders received after score reports are issued will be mailed within 3 to 5 weeks after receipt of your order at ACT, if your scores have already been reported. You cannot expect to receive your materials in time to study for the next test date.
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Why can't a college locate my ACT scores?                                          
Make sure you requested your scores be released to that college and you listed the correct ACT college code. The college codes you listed when you registered are shown on your score report. Contact the admissions office at the college and provide them with your name and ACT ID.
ACT normally reports scores for the ACT within 2 to 8 weeks after the test date. Scores for the ACT with writing are normally reported within 4 to 8 weeks after the test date. Please allow at least 8 weeks for a college or university to confirm receipt of your scores. If you test in a location other than the US, US territories, or Canada, allow an additional 1 to 2 weeks for receipt for your scores. Keep in mind that after they receive your scores, the college may need additional time to process them and match them to your application.
Colleges and universities determine how often they receive scores from ACT—at least every two weeks.

If you tested through National or International Testing and did not already have an ACT ID, one was assigned to your record at the time of registration. This number begins with a dash and is followed by eight digits and is located at the top of your Student Report. Provide this number to the admissions office, along with your name as it appears on your report.
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                                                                                        Scores                 Sending scores

Can I cancel my web or phone order for my scores?                                          
No. Once you've made your request, by any method, it cannot be changed or canceled.
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                                                        Can I order score reports at no charge for a previous test date?                                          
No. There is always an additional charge for sending your scores to additional colleges or other recipients for previous test dates. See our information about sending your scores to others.
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Can I send my multiple-choice scores without sending my writing scores?                                          
No. If you took the writing test, your scores from that test date can be reported only after your writing scores have been processed. Also, it is ACT's policy to report scores only for entire test dates. In requesting a score report from ACT, you may not select to report only your multiple-choice scores without your writing test score.
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Can I send my scores to a high school or uncoded college? Can I ...                                          
... order a personal copy of my score report?
If you wish to request and pay for additional score reports for a high school (in addition to the one that is automatically sent), an uncoded college or agency, or for personal use, you can make your request online after you test if you have a free student web account.
After you log in to your student web account, select the test date you want to have reported, and provide basic identifying information, you will find directions to help you request and pay for a copy of your score report for a high school, an uncoded college or agency, or for personal use.
There is an additional fee for each report you request after you test.
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Can I send my writing test score without sending my multiple-choice scores?                                          
No. ACT maintains a separate record for each test date, and it is ACT's policy to report scores only for entire test dates. In requesting a score report from ACT, you may not select to report only your writing test score without your multiple-choice scores.
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Can I send scores from two different dates to a college as one score ...                                           
... report?
No. We do not combine scores from different test dates in our reports. ACT maintains a separate record for each test date, and it is ACT's policy to report scores only for entire test dates.
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How often are scores reported to colleges?                                          
Most multiple-choice scores, including the Composite score, are typically ready to report within 2 weeks after each test date. Writing scores are added as soon as they are available, usually 2 weeks after the multiple-choice scores. Each college or scholarship agency selects the method and frequency of reporting—at least every 2 weeks. Your scores will not be released to colleges until all of your scores are available for reporting.
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What if I want my scores sent somewhere, but don't remember when ...                                          
... I took the ACT?
Most people take the ACT during their junior or senior year of high school. If you can give us an approximate test year, we can check a range of years in our records for you.
If you think you tested sometime between September 2014 to the present, you may use the Additional Score Report Order Form (PDF).
There is a $23.00 nonrefundable archived scores fee for ACT to search for scores prior to September 2014. This fee will be charged for each report requested—whether or not scores are located. A valid credit card is required to pay this fee and the additional service fee for phone requests. Please see costs and delivery options for more details.
When submitting requests, please include your name as given at the time you tested, ACT ID from your score report, date of birth, and your best guess of the test year.
Visit this page to send us an email. You may also call us at 319.337.1270 or write to:
P.O. Box 451
Iowa City, IA 52243-0451
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When will the college receive my scores?                                          
Colleges receive ACT score reports according to the reporting method and schedule they select—at least every two weeks. For that reason, score reports requested at the same time may be sent to different colleges at different times. Most colleges receive scores only electronically and might not review priority reports. Other colleges may receive paper reports sent by first-class mail and delivered within a few days. It is not unusual, however, for there to be some time between when a college receives your report and when the scores are added to your admissions file.
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                                                                                        Scores                 Understanding scores

I don't think my test was scored correctly. Can I have it verified?                                          
You can ask ACT to verify your multiple-choice and/or your writing test scores up to 12 months after your test date. Please download the Request for Score Verification (PDF; 2 pages). You will need to print the completed form and mail to:
ACT Student Services
PO Box 414
Iowa City, IA 52243-0414, USA

Include your name as given at the time of testing, address, and date of birth, as well as your ACT ID, test date (month and year), and test location from your score report. Enclose a check payable to ACT Student Services for the applicable fee:
  • $50.00 multiple-choice tests
  • $40.00 writing test essay
  • $90.00 both the multiple-choice tests and writing test essay
For multiple-choice tests, ACT will verify that your responses were checked against the correct score key.
For writing tests, ACT will verify that your essay was scored by at least two independent, qualified readers and by a third reader in the event that the two scores differed by more than one point in any domain. ACT will also verify that your essay was properly captured and displayed to readers. If errors are discovered during score verification, ACT will rescore your essay.
ACT will inform you by letter of the results of the score verification about three to five weeks after receiving your request. If a scoring error is discovered, your scores will be changed and corrected reports will be released to you and all previous score report recipients at no charge. In addition, your score verification fee will be refunded.
You may also request to be present for verification of your multiple-choice responses—without access to the test questions—at an ACT-designated location. Additional fees will apply.
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What are ACT's scoring policies if there is a problem at a test center?                                          
If there was a test disruption or compromise, ACT will take action to remedy the situation when appropriate. For complete details, please refer to ACT's Terms and Conditions.
If you need to report a problem, use the Test Center Feedback Form.
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What is the highest possible ACT score?                                          

                                                                                       Scores                 Score reports

How do I correct personal information on my score report?                                          
If, after you receive your score report, you find that you made a significant error in the information you supplied to us about yourself, you may ask us to correct your record. Write to ACT, P.O. Box 451, Iowa City, IA 52243-0451, USA, within three months after receiving your score report. Enclose a photocopy or printed PDF of your Student Report describing the error and the change you are requesting.
There is no fee for making the correction, but you must pay the applicable fee for each corrected report you want sent.
You should also contact the admissions office at the colleges where ACT sent your score reports and make sure they have matched your score report with your application.
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How do I delete a test date record?                                          
Students own their test scores and may direct ACT to delete their scores for a particular test date from our records.  (Note: Students may not delete scores used to document participation in State and District Testing.)
To delete your scores for a particular test date, you must submit a written request. Provide us with your name and home address, and we will mail you a form to complete and return to us. We will then permanently remove your record for that test date from our files. All scores from that test date will be deleted.
Write to:
ACT Institutional Services
P.O. Box 168
Iowa City, IA 52243-0168
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What is my ACT ID and why is it important?                                          
If you register for an ACT National or International Test Date, we will automatically assign you an ACT ID at the time of registration. If you test through any other testing program (e.g., State and District, Special, Arranged, or DANTES), we assign an ACT ID when your answer document is scored.
The ACT ID is an eight-digit number beginning with a dash that is located at the top of your Student Report and also appears on the score reports we send to the high school and to any colleges you requested. The ACT ID helps us identify your record and allows you to access and order ACT services. (For example, if you wish to send your scores, correct information on your score reports, or create an ACT web account.)
If you test through State and District, Special, Arranged, or DANTES Testing, you can view your scores and score report online after you receive your score report in the mail. All you need to do is create or log in to your ACT web account. You must provide the ACT ID printed on your score report to access your scores.
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When will my college need to have my ACT scores?                                          
Colleges have different procedures regarding application materials. Some colleges will keep ACT scores for a short time to match with additional application materials; some, however, prefer to have your application before they receive a score report. Because these requirements differ greatly among the thousands of colleges to which we send score reports, we aren't able to provide students with information about a specific college's practices. Please contact the college directly to learn its preferences.
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Which scores are reported if I test more than once?                                          
If you have taken the ACT or ACT with writing more than once, we maintain a separate record for each test date. If you ask us to send a report to a college, we will release only the record from the test date you request. This protects you and ensures that you direct the reporting of your scores by ACT for admission purposes.
If you wish, you may ask us to report more than one test date record to a college. However, you may not select test scores from different test dates to construct a new record; you must designate an entire test date record as it stands. ACT does not create new records by combining scores from different test dates.
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Will anyone be able to see the essay I wrote?                                          
Yes. The high school and colleges to which ACT reports your scores will be able to view an image of your essay online. The image of your essay will remain available for them to access for up to one year after you graduate from high school.
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Will my college accept my student copy of the ACT report?                                          
You will need to contact the college admissions office directly to confirm their requirements. Many colleges require that the score report be sent directly to them from ACT.
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Contact Us                 How can we help you?

General ACT Registration Questions                 Typical topics include:
  • User ID or password problems
  • Technical difficulties using the ACT registration website
  • Requesting changes to your personal data
  • Updating your email address
  • Questions about providing a photo when registering for the ACT

Send email related to registering for the ACT.
I have a question about international testing.
I need to receive registration materials by mail.

FAQ Available Now
Email Typical response in 2 business days
Chat M-F 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM CST
Phone (319) 337-1270 M-F 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM CT + Test Weekends

  • Please note, telephone hold times increase near deadlines.
  • Customer Care agents are available on ACT test dates.

By mail
ACT Student Services
2727 Scott Blvd., minizip 46
P.O. Box 414
Iowa City, IA 52243-0414

Testing with Accommodations                 Students previously approved to test with accommodations at a regularly scheduled test center can register to test again with the same accommodations from their ACT Student Web Account.

Learn more about accommodation options, eligibility, and how to submit a request.

[url=]Email[/url]  Typical response in 2 business days
Phone  (319) 337-1332 M-F 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CT
  • Please note, telephone hold times increase near deadlines.
  • Customer Care agents are available on ACT test dates.

By mail
ACT Test Accommodations
301 ACT Drive, P.O. Box 168
Iowa City, IA 52243-0168

Questions or Complaints about a Test Center or Test Conditions                 
we will automatically initiate an investigation if your submission is received within two weeks of the test experience.

Begin submission of question or complaint about a test center or test conditions

By Mail
ACT Test Administration and Accommodations
301 ACT Drive, P.O. Box 168
Iowa City, IA 52243-0168

Send a Question by Email                 Email us if you:
Have questions or complaints about a test center or test conditions
Email us before you register to test if you:
Are having trouble signing up onlineNeed to receive registration materials by mailHave a question about international testing
Email us after you've taken the test if you:
Have a question about your ACT scoresHave a concern about your test center
Email us anytime if you:
Have a question about your ACT web account or uploading a photoHave a question about your bill from ACT


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