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SAT 短文训练



写作太重要了, 在美国无论在什么行业,都离不开写文章。练习写作,写一手好文章,不仅是为了应付考试,简直是掌握了一把金钥匙,能帮你打开各行各业的成功之门,会让孩子受用一生。无论是SAT考试,还是写论文或研究提案,突出的写作能力对孩子未来成功的作用不可忽视。


SAT 考试要求考生用25分钟完成一篇两页纸的短文,这对很多学生来说都是非常困难的事。 短文可以有不同的结构和写作方法。我们 的方法采用独家开发出的高效SAT短文训练方法,文章要求结构明确、突出重点、分析深入。训练的过程以反复 地分析、对比和讲解以达到提升的目的。在几年的实用证明,这套方法简捷、 实用、高效。 在我们以往的经历中,学生在几篇短文训练下来,文章提高一、二个档次颇为寻常(一个档次为满分12分提高2分)。特别是十一年级的学生,在紧迫感的驱使下,常常经过二篇短文的 网上指导可以达到十分或十分以上的成绩。


根据学生具体情况,训练时间灵活,可以安排在周末和假期。需要的时间视学生的个人条件和进展而定。需要训练的学生,请尽早报名预约。 这项服务可以是面对面的咨询,或是online、通过Skype、 电子邮件、电话和传真进行。



如果您需要更详细的信息,欢迎与我们联系:电邮:info@ivytrack.org 电话:845-521-7540





有位学生在美国著名机构Princeton Review 的SAT 短文训练班得到的成绩为6 分(满分12分)。 经过我们的训练后,每次考SAT都得到满分12分的成绩。下面是这位学生在一次真实SAT考试时写的作品。供大家鉴赏:


Essay Prompt (作文提示)

Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below:

From the time people are very young, they are urged to get along with others, to try to "fit in." Indeed, people are often rewarded for being agreeable and obedient. But this approach is misguided because it promotes uniformity instead of encouraging people to be unique and different. Differences among people give each of us greater perspective and allow us to make better judgments.


Assignment (作文题目)

Is it more valuable for people to fit in than to be unique and different?(人的适应性与独特性及个性何者更有价值?) Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.


Original Essay(作文原文)

It is more valuable for people to be unique and different. Conformity is the bane of our existence— it is differences among people that gives each of us greater perspective and allows us to make better judgments. Throughout history and literature, numerous people have refused to “fit in”, which allowed them to do many things they could not have if they chose to “fit in”, such as Atticus Finch,Huckleberry Finn,and Copernicus and Galileo.


In To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee,Atticus Finch refuses to flow with society. When he is assigned to defend a black man accused of raping a white woman,he acts differently than most other lawyers would have. In a case of a white man’s word against a black man’s,the trial would only be a show because the black man would certainly been indicted. However,Atticus is aware that the defendant is innocent and fights a losing battle to reveal the truth,which is what all lawyers should do. He is considerably different from most other men of his time,who would have realized the outcome was inevitable and would not have struggled against it. Thus,he is able to open the peoples’ eyes to the truth,and although he does lose the case,he scores a moral victory. His refusal to go down without a fight marked him as different,but this difference opened the door for the truth,allowing the parochial townspeople to see a larger perspective,beyond their racial prejudices.


Huck Finn is also different,which allows him to see the truth and make better judgments. In The Adventures of Huckle Berry Finn by Mark Twain,Huck shuns “respectable” society,preferring his free,unchained life. This refusal to obey society’s restrictions allows him to befriend a runaway slave,something that would be impossible in “respectable” society. His difference allows him to see the man as a person,not chattel to be sold at a whim. He begins to realize that slavery is wrong,that all men should be free. Therefore,when his new friend is captured,Huck decides to help him escape,going against all his society has taught him. He is described in glowing terms as a hero,simply because his differences allowed him a more encompassing view of his world,allowing him to make a very good decision.


Copernicus and Galileo also refused to “fit in” with their society; when they discovered the true structure of the solar system,they went against standard views and aired their own. Many scorned them for their discoveries and ostracized them,trying to make them conform and manipulate their discoveries to support the older view of the universe. However,they persevered in spite of all the obstacles they faced and continued to promote their discoveries. They were unique— they created a new theory and published it during a time when difference was feared and struck out against. Eventually,their discoveries were verified,opening a new perspective and eventually leading to even more important discoveries. Their discovery changed peoples’ perspectives of the world and led the people to become more open-minded,leading to the discovery of even more,wonderful ideas.


These examples illustrate how nonconformity is an essential quality for mankind. The greatest thinkers were unique— they did not try to “fit in” and follow society; instead,they led it. Differences among people give each of us greater perspective and allow us to make better judgments,such as the decision to be different. With conformity,there cannot be change or progress,an essential process for the human race- uniqueness and differences allow us to prosper and flourish.



人的独特性和个性更有价值。一味的顺从是我们存在的毒瘤。人与人之间的差异给了我们更大的透视度,使我们能够对事物做出更好的判断。纵观历史和文学作品,许多人都拒绝“适应”,这种拒绝使得他们比选择“适应” 做出了更多的贡献,如埃提喀斯•芬奇,哈克贝利•费恩和哥白尼及伽利略。




哈克贝利•费恩也是与众不同的,这种不同让他看到真相,以做出更好的判断。马克•吐温撰写的《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》中,哈克贝利•费恩宁愿为了自由和摆脱社会的束缚而回避 “可敬”的社会,拒绝服从社会的限制而与一个逃亡奴隶做朋友,这在“可敬”的社会几乎是不可能的。他的这种个性让他看到,奴隶也是一个活生生的人,而不是心血来潮时用来出售的可动资产。他开始意识到奴隶制是错误的,所有的人都应该是自由的。因此,当他的新朋友被抓获时,哈克决定帮助他逃脱,反抗社会的观念。他被描述为一个光彩夺目的英雄,就是因为他的个性让他对他的世界有一个更具包容性的观点,让他做了一个很好的决定。






Original Essay Image(作文原文图像)



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